
How to send messages using excel - Prime Sender

  1. Upload the numbers in the first column you want to send the messages to. [Optional] You can add columns based on your requirement.  Template Excel 2. Open Prime Sender extension. You can click on Upload and upload the excel right away. 3. Uploaded numbers would be visible in the numbers area 4. The remaining process remains the same - You enter the message you want to send and click on Send Message

How to schedule a message

  How to use Scheduler The option to schedule allows you to send messages to your contacts at a pre-set time. When you want to broadcast your message at a certain time during the day and you aren’t available during that time, you can choose to schedule your message. After entering the contacts and the message you want to send, enter the time you would want to send the message at. Once you enter the preferred time, click on Schedule. You should receive a notification confirming about the same.  You can also view the scheduled time in the extension If you have scheduled a campaign at 9 PM in the evening, your messages should start broadcasting the next time it turns 9 PM. The campaign shall be valid once and it will shoot in the next 24 hours at the set time. Important points to consider Your browser tab should be open at the set time i.e. the time campaign would shoot Please do not run any normal campaign before the scheduled time. If you run a campaign before the scheduled cam...

How to send customized message using Prime Sender

When you want to inform your customers about a promotional offer, it is always better if the message is personalized to the customer. It increases the probability of the customer replying to the message. Similarly, if you want to update your customer regarding their order, it is obvious to send the message custom to the user. Here's how you can send customized messages using Prime Sender  : Enter the details you'd like to send customized to the user along with their contact numbers. For example, in this case, I'd like to add the customer's Name and a custom message. The first row is always for the column headings - Contact numbers, Name and Message in this case.  Please note that the first column should always be the contact numbers. Other columns can be whatever you like and in whichever order.  Here is a link to the template excel: Once you have the excel ready, you can now upload it in the extension After you upload, the contact n...

How to add country code to every number in excel?

  Everyone has faced this issue of adding country code in front of contact numbers. Suppose your country code is +62 and you would like to add that in front of all the contacts. The simplest way to do that in  excel or spreadsheets  is to use the function CONCATENATE. Here's how to use it : First, make another column and add +62( or whatever your country code is) in each cell of the column. You can do that by simply typing +62 in the first cell and dragging the pointer till the last cell. Like this : Once this is done, in the column besides the number, type  ' =CONCATENATE(Column1, Column2)' Remember, Column1 is +62 and Column2 is the contact numbers. This is how it will look : The + sign can be later formatted if it's needed.

How to reply quickly to your customers using Quick Response using Prime Sender

  Quick Response using Prime Sender There are phrases or sentences that businesses have to use often while interacting with their customers like "Hello!" or "How can we help you" or "Thank you for contacting". Quick Response on Prime Sender helps you to save such terms and use accordingly when needed quickly without having to type out the same again. Once you install Prime Sender ,  you can see a strip of default template messages just above the chat box If you click on 'Hello! how can we help you?', it'll right away send the message to the respective person You can of course edit the responses by clicking on Edit: